Friday, September 07, 2007

Customer Experience Management Certification - London!

Shameless plug:

I'm co-teaching a certificate course in Customer Experience Management in London. Here is a link to the official PDF with all the details.

In a nutshell, registration closes September 17, for a September 26-7 two-day course just outside of London, close by Heathrow. Come for the course, stay for the weekend and have a blast!

I've been teaching these for a while now, and always have a ball with the attendees. Corporations send the big guns: chief marketing officers, CRM honchos and, lately, Vice Presidents or Directors of Customer Experience. That's a watershed, I think. I've seen customer experience management adopted at a higher level, faster, than I saw adoption of CRM-related titles at the beginning of the CRM wave. People understand how important customer experience management is.

Sampson, my colleague who co-teaches with me, is a CRM and CEM consultant based in Hong Kong, and the guy who runs the single largest customer management online community in China. I'll be teaching this time with Jennifer Kirkby, former CRM research director for Gartner, one of the clearest guiding voices in the analyst biz.

If you can make it, it will be great to see you there. Or, send the PDF to someone you know, if you think they could benefit from a deep drill-down into customer experience management's ability to help companies compete.

The picture was taken by a TRIUM colleague of mine when we did our London module. Many thanks for allowing me to use it. If you want permission to use it, contact me.

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